Thursday, July 10, 2014

Taking picture of the Moon (Lunar) - Test #2

This is my 2nd test of taking picture of the moon (lunar) using “point & shoot” camera on top of tripod to stabilize the image. The result and my result to the ever continually to the question I ask myself  “is possible to take picture with detail of the moon with point and shoot?”

I can only give an opinion and not finalize the answer because I only test what I have but it good enough. The answer is “it is possible but with a very low success rate of any detail image of the moon”, meaning in layman term you can try with the “point and shoot” but the picture is not going be like what you see with your naked eyes or with telescope.

So in result, what people say (online) it possible to take picture on the moon; my reply to that is that you can try but unlike the other people (online) I will state use a camera with high zoom (I know it this will help because I just tested it) and maybe and just maybe with camera that has a high iso number if it possible on a point and shoot (not sure) since this can control night image.

Picture taken on 7/6/14 around 10:30 P.M. on tripod.

Camera: Coolpix L620

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Taking picture of the Moon (Lunar) - Test #1

These are test picture of the moon using point and shoot camera. Now I read that it is possible (online) that you can take decent picture of the moon using point & camera without using dslr. Now I haven’t found any example of those, so these are my personal test to prove if it can be done. I’m no expert but I know enough about camera and taking picture and how to take one to talk about it a little. These tests are for the preparation for the Oct 08, 2014 lunar eclipse; I miss my chance on the April 14, 2014 then again I wasn’t prepares for it even if I did take the picture it wouldn’t turn out great. These are the first test just holding on to the camera using my hand. Next test would be using a tripod.

Pictures taken on 6/4/14, around 11:15 PM; all were taken on automatic.
(1) FinePix A330 (normal; w/ Flash)
(2) FinePix A330 (Zoom - Max; W/ Flash)

(1) CoolPix L620 (normal; w/o Flash)
(2) CoolPix L620 (Zoom - Max; w/o Flash)