Friday, April 25, 2014

Kongregate's Hard Badge Tips (#01)

There some badges I got by walkthrough, those I would not state. The other I would state how I got it using my method. 

Going down the list by easiest earn on the “hard” on my list but not counting those with walkthrough:

  • Kingdom Rush:  no shame on getting the badge on any setting even if it on the easiest. Upgrade your stuff to the max if you can. That what I did. There 2 hard badge, i talking about the one where you just finish the game. 
  • Pandemic 2: This is more on Luck then skill base, read the comment and you will see. Here my record for this game alone. 25-30 times, 2 win (kill off the world), 3 times I succeed in infecting Madagascar. The rest fail if you don’t get Madagascar. You have to try until you get Madagascar. Here the thing I found interesting, if I start from Greenland, New Zealand, or Australia; I have a high chance of getting Madagascar.
  • Music Catch 1 & 2: Read the top comment and you will get it. The Rule is to be patience.
  • Nano War: A bit of warning, it will lag once the screen is fill with your unit in later level. It doesn’t lag if it just the computer (evil). The way to win is speed and quantity. Here some hint and tip. Attack the small neutral one 1st if it near. Let the enemy attack big neutral one until it weak enough for you to take it or ignore that and attack directly at the biggest or second biggest number of enemy the enemy control; this only work the best near the start of the level. Attack in masses, even if the attack is one attack pt; Think swarm of bees or ants.
  • The Peacekeeper: Level 30 wave go like this; normal enemy, 1 boss with few normal, then finally 3 boss. The one you have to watch out for is the 1 boss part. Here how it goes; normal enemy you (gamer) can probably deal with them normally if you made to level 30 already, if you uses heal, grenade, or emp during the normal enemy save some as in not killing them so your ability reload, you need them for the 1 boss battles. That one boss throw axes into your pit and it will hit you one-way or another by you hitting it (you moving) or it hitting you. So the start of the battle you need emp him and shoot like there no tomorrow. When your health is half, heal. Nade when you can and shoot that sob down. When 3 boss show up, you need to strategize how to do it, but thank god all three show because that limit their attack ability on the axe boss. Here the list on who to take out first; Axe, rocket , and the shotgun. Uses your heal, nade, and emp smartly.

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