Monday, May 8, 2017

Stranger's Handbook (Novel): [My Comments/Reviews/Spoilers]

Stranger's Handbook (Novel): [My Comments/Reviews/Spoilers]

Status (of the novel): Ongoing
My Reading: Reading & On Hold
My Comments/Reviews/Spoilers are Based on: Web Novel up to: Web Ch 1-103 (Translated)

Atmosphere: Semi-Serious
Type (Transported to Another World): Summoning (Group)
*Purpose for Summoning (if any): Seeking People with Potential
*Summoner (If known): Magic User
*Initial Abilities Gain when Transported (If any): None
Other World Setting (World/Backdrop Setting): A Fantasy Magic & Sword World, Medieval. There are monster and other race.

Main Character: Male, 32 year old
*MC role in this summoning: None, it group summoning
MC Personality/Character: A nonstandard Japanese Character, go with the flow and can read the air.
MC Ideas, Creations, and/or Recreation from his previous life (Either make it himself or have someone else make it for him): Woman's Bra

Mature Content (Subject, Topic, Content, and anything that may be inappropriate for general reader):
  • Sex (imply)
  • Killing (normal)
The MC (32 year old) marry to a female noble girl (human, 16 year old) with each out out of mutual love.

My Comments/Reviews/Spoilers: It odd how the image (from the LN volume 1 cover) that the MC look young when he 32 year old. The prologue tell you what the MC will become while the rest of the story recall his past. Anyway the story go like this, MC and a bunch of people got summon. There the people who summon them split them out apart and start moving them into a different room. The MC was selected as one with potential later while telling him the other (summon people) are either killed or sent away. The MC will be adopted into a noble family and he will marry into one as well. MC will be train as a Mage and will live in this work from now on.

The early part of the novel we got MC facing "death flag" at the end of every single chapter but later on as he "go with the flow" and following the same attitude as his father-in-law family, there less laugh to the story but it not like there isn't any. I would love to say it mostly revolve around "aristocrat politic" after that but it not, at least most of the time. There laugh here and there but not as much as it was from the start. The "noble way" seem so be like watching a mafia  dealing with normal people.

The few funny they try to maintain are: woman are scary, people will wet themselves if scare enough, and there are bunch of oddball people working under MC.

Story so far:
  • Get summon, get pick and get train. met future fiancee.
  • Met king. get marry with fiancee. created spirit
  • train solider. manage own territory.
  • defend border. win war. gain new territory that a former country. vocation and meet former summon people that survive.
  • dealing with political marriage with the country princess and elf prince. 
Overall it an ok read but it got it up and down for the funny because the tone keep changing. However it could get boring at time because of the "noble way".

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